Generate a free website for your podcast

Get a free podcast website

Generate a free podcast website powered by Transistor, no matter where you currently host your podcast.

  • No credit card required
  • Uses your existing RSS feed
  • Auto updates when you publish new episodes
  • Custom domains with free SSL
  • Built-in audio player for your episodes
  • Displays your artwork and show notes
  • Add additional pages and menu links
  • Podcast subscribe buttons and page
  • Multiple theme designs to choose from
  • Customizable colors and content
  • Choose from multiple languages
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I'd rather enter my RSS Feed directly
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Your Podcast

Verified podcast ownership

RSS Feed Verification

Your RSS Feed is using but your podcast's email is still set to . You need to update Anchor to use your personal email and then start this process over, so we can send the verification to the correct email.
Your RSS Feed is using SoundCloud but your podcast's email is still set to . You need to update SoundCloud to use your personal email and then start this process over, so we can send the verification to the correct email.
Your RSS Feed is missing the <itunes:owner><itunes:email> tag, which we need to send you an ownership verification email. Please add this information to your feed and restart this process.

Before we can continue setting up your website, we need to first send an ownership verification email to .

Re-enter your RSS Feed

RSS Feed Verification

Resend verification code

Account Information

Don't have a podcast? Start one here.

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